Technical Skills- Aperture
Aperture is related to the depth of field, shutter speed and exposure level. The basic knowledge behind that is calibrating f/stops which are divided into numbers 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11 and 16. In depth of field, as the f/stop gets bigger, the blurrier the background is, if it gets smaller, the background is sharper. It is mostly related to the level of opening the lens. Shutter speed also gets affected; if the f/stop is lower, more light is entering so the shutter doesn’t need to be open for long. Aperture is definitely the most important thing for every photographer; because of that, artist can choose an object which he wants to be the subject on his picture by sharpening it with the right aperture level.

Rebecca Norris Webb
Webb (1956) is a poet and skilled photographer, in a lot of her pictures, she is making a perfect use out of the correct aperture level; her pictures are always showing the subject at the best possible focus and amount of light. Personally, I think that her best pictures are the ones, when she is photographing a glass with water drops on it or the reflection, this way she has to use a correct aperture to blur our everything behind the glass.

Jonas Bendiksen
Bendiksen (1977) is a professional Norwegian photographer who is taking all kind of the high quality pictures. His work is often a mix of the abstract and fine art photography, with (obviously) the perfect use of aperture. He is often taking pictures from a distance to be able to show off his skills with the perfect use of aperture by 'blurring out' the small objects which are on the way between the camera on subject, like flowers or birds.

This experiment is one of my favourite ones, mainly because of the unusual shapes of the plant in front. That's why I decided to separate it from the background by using different a set of colours; my intentions were to clearly show the unique shapes of this plant to a viewers. Firstly, I made the picture black and white, I then used the eraser tool on a black and white layer in order to make the plant containing its original colours. That was the most important and hardest task to do because the subject had so many different, microscopic shapes going in all directions, like spider net or feather.